jueves, 10 de mayo de 2007

Rape of Girl; Decides Not To Abort

The News:
Lucila …, a 10-year-old girl and nine months, asked for help… so that they should offer to her medical attention during her pregnancy … The small one denounced that was violated by…, the landowner of the house that they rent and where she lives with her parents … Lucila said that her aggressor threatened her all the time so that she never denounced anything, otherwise, he said to her, he would kill her. For this reason, Lucila kept silence, until the growth of her belly denounced her. Lucila's parents …, indicated that the pregnancy of the girl is already 28 weeks old … The parents requested …, medical attention for their daughter, who decided not to abort … The aggressor was taking advantage of his absence and that of his wife to attack Lucila … The 65-year-old rapist is now in prison… The pregnancy of Lucila is of high risk, and for being the mother-to-be minor of age, her childbearing will be with Cesarean surgery… Yesterday, Not Governmental Organizations of Oaxaca were pronounced in favor of the decriminalization of the abortion in the entity, and demanded that the reform approved in the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District should have validity in the whole Country.

She should be playing with dolls and nevertheless...

I doubt that anyone differs with me if I affirm that it is not fair. And if we let free our personality, we would be crying out loud that the author be raped, outraged and abused, if not lynched, in jail. Wouldn’t we feel some satisfaction if we find out that he is having a bad time in prison? What garbage of man! (And I don’t say worse things because this is a Christian Blog).

Regarding Lucila, wouldn’t we be advising to this small girl to abort? After all, the law allows it since it is a high risk pregnancy and also, consequence of a rape. What doctor in his healthy judgment would refuse to practice the abortion in this case? Undoubtedly it would be the advisable thing so much not to put in risk her life or her future, and nevertheless…

What a radical decision of this girl! She doesn’t wish the abortion, but wishes to have her son, even in so outlandish and risky conditions. What lesson she is giving us! Her baby is not guilty and she will provide him with innocent love and fondness that we, the rational and intelligent people who suggested her to abort, might not. Instead of ending with an unfair situation for others, Lucila accepts and forgives. The rapist is in the jail, while she, without microphones, without noise, with inaudible voice, with his actions, is saying to him: "Although you took advantage of me by force, I am going to have your son; I am going to take care of him and to love him very much, even more than Lily, my favorite doll…"

Lucila does not understand the legal language; she is unable to distinguish between "termination of the pregnancy" and "abort", or between “decriminalization" and "prohibition". Perhaps some day will understands it, but for the present moment, what she knows, based on her feelings, is that she loves his baby. Let the legislators, ethicists and scientists go on with their debates about when an embryo turns into a human being. She took a simple decision, that of loving…

And that must makes us to shut off and make us repent of the unhealthy advices that we gave her and repent of cursing the old man. Lucila is demonstrating us what would Jesus do and for that, she deserves not only our respect, but our admiration.

Some persons have said to me that they don’t like that I publish sad news, or tragedies or depressing ones. This is not one of them. This one is of life, of value and of love. Thank you Lucila! Persons like you are the ones who make us think that the human race has future.

What the Bible Says…
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. (Matthew 5:44-45)

In Mexico a debate is going on about abortion. Lucila is saying that what it matters, all debates aside, is to love.

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